City Maps from History April 07 2014
Reading a fascinating feature from the Guardian on 'Ten city maps from history' reminded us that historical maps can be informative and attractive.
The collection shows how early city maps evolved from simple representations of what could be seen on the ground, through to more detailed graphics that communicated complex economic or social ideas. The featured maps include an 1812 map of the area devastated by the great fire of Moscow and Charles Booth's 1891 poverty map of London which provided a survey of life and labour across boroughs.
Want to take inspiration from historical city maps for your home decor? Love Maps On brings you Ordnance Survey maps of London dating from 1805 and 1897, an era when London was the world's largest city and capital of the British Empire.

Ordnance Survey Old Series, London, 1805 - the first national mapping series of England and Wales.

Ordnance Survey Revised New Series, London, 1897 - the first colour mapping series of England and Wales.
The maps show London at a time when the city was expanding rapidly and its population grew from one million to more than six million people. London was transformed by the development of the railway network and the urbanised area spread to Islington, Paddington, Holborn, Camden, Southwark and Lambeth. You can choose the maps printed on canvas in a choice of four sizes.
Stanford's map of London, 1891 (close up showing the Thames, Tower of London and Fenchurch Street station).
To make a snapshot of history a fabulous wall feature, you can choose a London vintage map as a wallpaper. Love Maps On provides wallpaper of Stanford's street map of central London from 1891 at 1:10,560 scale, showing fascinating detail of the wharves, customs houses, guild halls, warehouses and trading exchanges that made London a mighty port city. Our wallpapers are available in a variety of sizes printed on paper or fabric material.
We will be adding vintage maps from across Great Britain to our collection soon, so look out for our historical maps of your favourite cities and places.
If you'd like to chat to us about our maps and what we can do for you, just contact us or drop us an email to